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2. The Easy Interface

The ``easy'' interface consists of the functions:

    Curl_Type curl_new (String_Type URL);
    curl_perform (Curl_Type obj);
    curl_setopt (Curl_Type obj, Int_Type op, ...);
    curl_close (Curl_Type obj);
and allows a S-lang script to transfer files is a simple synchronous manner. For example,
     curl_perform (curl_new (""));
will cause the contents of to be retrieve via the http protocol and then written to the display.

Note that the above example makes two function calls to the curl module. The call to curl_new produces an instance of a Curl_Type object associated with the specified URL. The resulting cURL object gets passed to the curl_perform function to be processed. In this case, the default action of curl_perform causes the URL to be downloaded and then written to stdout.

The curl handles the closing and destruction of the Curl_Type object when the variable attached to it goes out of scope or gets reassigned. Nevertheless the curl_close function exists to allow the user to explicitly destroy the underlying Curl_Type object.

The curl_setopt function may be used to set options or attributes associated with a Curl_Type object. Such options influence the actions of curl_perform. For example, the CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION option may be used to have curl_perform pass the contents of the URL to a specified function or callback. To illustrate this, consider a callback that writes the contents of the URL to a file:

     private define write_callback (fp, data)
        variable len = bstrlen (data);
        if (len != fwrite (data, fp))
          return -1;
        return 0;
In this function, fp is assumed to be an open file pointer and data is a binary string (BString_Type). The callback returns 0 if it successfully wrote the data and -1 if not. Here is how the callback can be used to download a file in MP3 format:
     variable c = curl_new ("");
     variable fp = fopen ("quixote.mp3", "wb");
     curl_setopt (c, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, &write_callback, fp);
     curl_perform (c);
     () = fclose (fp);

Often one wants to get the contents of the URL in a S-lang variable. This is easily accomplished via a callback such as:

     private define write_variable_callback (v, data)
        @v = @v + data;
        return 0;
The above callback may be used as follows:
     variable c = curl_new ("");
     variable s = "";
     curl_setopt (c, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, &write_variable_callback, &s);
     curl_perform (c);
The curl_perform function passes the reference to the variable s to the callback function, which then dereferences for concatenation. After the call to curl_perform, s will be set to the contents of the URL.

Errors are handled via exceptions. If an error occurs, e.g., a host could not be contacted, or the specified URL does not exist, then a CurlError exception will be thrown. Here is an example that processes a list of URLs and prints an error if one cannot be retrieved:

      urls = {"http://servantes.fictional.domain/don/quixote.html",
      foreach url (urls)
         try (e)
               file = path_basename (url);
               fp = fopen (file, "w");
               c = curl_new (url);
               curl_setopt (c, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, &write_callback, fp);
               curl_perform (c);
               () = fclose (fp);
          catch CurlError:
               vmessage ("Unable to retrieve %s: %s", url, e.message);
               () = remove (file);

The URLs in the above example are processed in a sequential manner. This example will be revisited in the context of the ``multi'' interface where it will be rewritten to perform a synchronous downloads.

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