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6. Histogram Module

This module has several functions for creating and manipulating histograms (binned data). Use require("histogram") to load it.

6.1 hist1d


Compute a 1-d histogram


h = hist1d ([h,] pnts, grid [, &rev])


The hist1d function bins a set of points pnts into a 1-d histogram using bin-edges given by the grid argument. The optional last argument &rev is a reference to a variable whose value will be assigned the reverse-indices of the histogram.

The first argument h is optional. If present and non-NULL, it will be used as the histogram buffer with new binned values added to it. That is, the following statements are equivalent:

    h = h + hist1d (pnts, grid);
    h = hist1d (h, pnts, grid);

The value of the ith bin in the histogram is given by the number of values in the pnts array that satisfy grid[i]<=X<grid[i+1] where X represents the value of the candidate point. The last bin of the histogram represents an overflow bin with the right bin edge at plus infinity. The grid is required to be sorted into ascending order.

The reverse-indices array is an array-of-arrays of indices such that rev[i] is an array of indices into the pnts array that have fallen into the ith bin.

See Also

hist1d_rebin, hist2d, hist2d_rebin, hist_bsearch

6.2 hist2d


Compute a 2-d histogram


h = hist2d ([h,] xpnts, ypnts, xgrid, ygrid [, &rev])


The hist2d function bins a set of (x,y) pairs represented by the xpnts and ypnts arrays into a 2-d histogram using bin-edges given by the xgrid and ygrid arguments. The optional last argument &rev is a reference to a variable whose value will be assigned the reverse-indices of the histogram. The first argument is also optional and, if present and non-NULL, will be used for the histogram values.

The value of the bin [i,j] of the histogram is given by the number of (X,Y) pairs that satisfy xgrid[i]<=X<xgrid[i+1] and ygrid[j]<=Y<ygrid[j+1]. The bins at the extreme edges of the histogram represent overflow bins with the upper bin edge at plus infinity. The grids are required to be sorted into ascending order.

The reverse-indices array is a 2-d array-of-arrays of indices such that rev[i,j] is an array of indices into the xpnts and ypnts arrays that have fallen into the bin [i,j].

See Also

hist1d, whist2d, hist2d_rebin, hist1d_rebin, hist_bsearch

6.3 hist1d_rebin


Rebin a 1-d histogram


new_h = hist1d_rebin (new_grid, old_grid, old_h)


The hist1d_rebin function rebins a histogram old_h with bin edges defined by old_grid into a histogram with bin edges given by new_grid. The rebinning operation preserves the normalization of the histogram where the grids overlap.

Unlike the hist1d function which returns an integer array, the hist1d_rebin function returns an array of doubles since the new grid does not have to be commensurate with the old grid.

See Also

hist1d, hist2d_rebin, hist2d, hist_bsearch

6.4 hist2d_rebin


Rebin a 2-d histogram


new_h = hist2d_rebin (new_xgrid, new_ygrid, old_xgrid, old_ygrid, old_h)


The hist2d_rebin function rebins a 2-d histogram old_h with bin edges defined by old_xgrid and old_ygrid into a 2-d histogram with bin edges given by new_xgrid and new_ygrid.

Unlike the hist2d function which returns an integer array, the hist2d_rebin function returns an array of doubles since the new grids do not have to be commensurate with the old grids.

See Also

hist1d_rebin, hist2d, whist2d, hist_bsearch

6.5 hist_bsearch


Perform a binary search


i = hist_bsearch (x, xbins)


The hist_bsearch function performs a binary search for the bin i satisfying xbins[i]<=x<xbins[i+1]. If the value x is greater than or equal to the value of the last bin, the index of the last bin will be returned. If x is smaller than the value of the first bin (xbins[0]), then the function will return the index of the first bin, i.e., 0. The grid is required to be sorted into ascending order.

If the value of x is an array, an array of indices will be returned.


As pointed out above, if the value of x is less than the value of the first bin, the index of the first bin will be returned even though x does not belong to the bin. If this behavior is not desired, then such points should be filtered out before the binary search is performed.

See Also

hist1d, hist1d_rebin

6.6 whist1d


Created a weighted 1-d histogram


h = whist1d (pnts, wghts, grid [,&rev [,&weight_func]]


The whist1d function creates a 1-dimensional weighted histogram. The value of the ith bin in the histogram is given by a function applied to values of the wghts that correspond to those values in the pnts array that satisfy grid[i]<=X<grid[i+1] where X represents the value of the candidate point. The last bin of the histogram represents an overflow bin with the right bin edge at plus infinity. The grid is required to be sorted into ascending order.

If the optional fourth argument &rev is present, upon return it will be set to the array of reverse-indices of the histogram. The optional &weight_func argument may be used to specify the function to be applied to the weights array. By default, the sum function will be used.


The source code to this function may be found in As such, it is available only after this file has been loaded. Simply importing the module will not load this function into the interpreter.

See Also

hist1d, whist2d, hist1d_rebin

6.7 whist2d


Created a weighted 2-d histogram


h = whist2d (xpnts, ypnts, wghts, xgrid, ygrid [,&rev [,&weight_func]]


The whist2d function creates a 2-dimensional weighted histogram. The value of the bin [i,j] of the histogram is given by a function applied to those values in the wghts array that correspond to the (X,Y) pairs that satisfy xgrid[i]<=X<xgrid[i+1] and ygrid[i]<=Y<ygrid[i+1]. The bins at the extreme edges of the histogram represent overflow bins with the upper bin edge at plus infinity. The grids are required to be sorted into ascending order.

If the optional sixth argument &rev is present, upon return it will be set to the array of reverse-indices of the histogram. The optional &weight_func argument may be used to specify the function to be applied to the weights array. By default, the sum function will be used.


The source code to this function may be found in As such, it is available only after this file has been loaded. Simply importing the module will not load this function into the interpreter.

See Also

hist2d, whist1d, hist1d, hist2d_rebin

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