Uppercase a Unicode character
SLwchar_Type SLwchar_toupper (SLwchar_Type wc)
returns the uppercase equivalent of the
specified character.
If the library is not in UTF-8 mode, then the current locale will be used.
SLwchar_tolower, SLwchar_isupper, SLutf8_strup
Lowercase a Unicode character
SLwchar_Type SLwchar_tolower (SLwchar_Type wc)
returns the lowercase equivalent of the
specified character.
If the library is not in UTF-8 mode, then the current locale will be used.
SLwchar_toupper, SLwchar_islower, SLutf8_strlow
Determine the displayable width of a wide character
int SLwchar_wcwidth (SLwchar_Type wc)
This function returns the number of columns necessary to display the specified Unicode character. Combining characters are meant to be combined with other characters and, as such, have 0 width.
If the library is not in UTF-8 mode, then the current locale will be used.
SLwchar_isspace, SLwchar_iscntrl
Determine if a Unicode character is alphanumeric
int SLwchar_isalnum (SLwchar_Type wc)
returns a non-zero value if the Unicode
character is alphanumeric, otherwise it returns 0.
If the library is not in UTF-8 mode, then the current locale will be used.
SLwchar_isalpha, SLwchar_isdigit, SLwchar_iscntrl
Determine if a Unicode character is an alphabetic character
int SLwchar_isalpha (SLwchar_Type wc)
returns a non-zero value if the Unicode
character is alphabetic, otherwise it returns 0.
If the library is not in UTF-8 mode, then the current locale will be used.
SLwchar_isalnum, SLwchar_isalpha, SLwchar_isdigit, SLwchar_iscntrl
Determine if a Unicode character is a blank
int SLwchar_isblank (SLwchar_Type wc)
returns a non-zero value if the Unicode
character is a blank one (space or tab), otherwise it returns 0.
If the library is not in UTF-8 mode, then the current locale will be used.
SLwchar_isspace, SLwchar_isalpha, SLwchar_isdigit, SLwchar_iscntrl
Determine if a Unicode character is a control character
int SLwchar_iscntrl (SLwchar_Type wc)
returns a non-zero value if the Unicode
character is a control character, otherwise it returns 0.
If the library is not in UTF-8 mode, then the current locale will be used.
SLwchar_isspace, SLwchar_isalpha, SLwchar_isdigit, SLwchar_isprint
Determine if a Unicode character is a digit
int SLwchar_isdigit (SLwchar_Type wc)
This function returns a non-zero value if the specified Unicode character is a digit, otherwise it returns 0.
If the library is not in UTF-8 mode, then the current locale will be used.
SLwchar_isspace, SLwchar_isalpha, SLwchar_isxdigit, SLwchar_isprint
Determine if a non-space Unicode character is printable
int SLwchar_isgraph (SLwchar_Type wc)
This function returns a non-zero value if the specified Unicode character is a non-space printable character, otherwise it returns 0.
If the library is not in UTF-8 mode, then the current locale will be used.
SLwchar_isspace, SLwchar_isalpha, SLwchar_isdigit, SLwchar_isprint
Determine if a Unicode character is alphanumeric
int SLwchar_islower (SLwchar_Type wc)
This function returns a non-zero value if the specified Unicode character is a lowercase one, otherwise it returns 0.
If the library is not in UTF-8 mode, then the current locale will be used.
SLwchar_isupper, SLwchar_isspace, SLwchar_isalpha, SLwchar_isdigit, SLwchar_iscntrl
Determine if a Unicode character is printable
int SLwchar_isprint (SLwchar_Type wc)
This function returns a non-zero value if the specified Unicode character is a printable one (includes space), otherwise it returns 0.
If the library is not in UTF-8 mode, then the current locale will be used.
SLwchar_isgraph, SLwchar_isspace, SLwchar_isalpha, SLwchar_isdigit
Determine if a Unicode character is a punctuation character
int SLwchar_ispunct (SLwchar_Type wc)
This function returns a non-zero value if the specified Unicode character is a punctuation character, otherwise it returns 0.
If the library is not in UTF-8 mode, then the current locale will be used.
SLwchar_isspace, SLwchar_isalpha, SLwchar_isdigit, SLwchar_isprint
Determine if a Unicode character is a whitespace character
int SLwchar_isspace (SLwchar_Type wc)
This function returns a non-zero value if the specified Unicode character is a whitespace character, otherwise it returns 0.
If the library is not in UTF-8 mode, then the current locale will be used.
SLwchar_isblank, SLwchar_isalpha, SLwchar_isdigit, SLwchar_ispunct
Determine if a Unicode character is uppercase
int SLwchar_isupper (SLwchar_Type wc)
This function returns a non-zero value if the specified Unicode character is an uppercase character, otherwise it returns 0.
If the library is not in UTF-8 mode, then the current locale will be used.
SLwchar_islower, SLwchar_isspace, SLwchar_isalpha, SLwchar_isdigit
Determine if a Unicode character is a hexidecimal digit
int SLwchar_isxdigit (SLwchar_Type wc)
This function returns a non-zero value if the specified Unicode character is a hexadecimal digit character, otherwise it returns 0.
If the library is not in UTF-8 mode, then the current locale will be used.
SLwchar_isdigit, SLwchar_isspace, SLwchar_isalpha, SLwchar_ispunct