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2. Data Types

2.1 Assoc_Type


An associative array or hash type


An Assoc_Type object is like an array except that it is indexed using strings and not integers. Unlike an Array_Type object, the size of an associative array is not fixed, but grows as objects are added to the array. Another difference is that ordinary arrays represent ordered object; however, the ordering of the elements of an Assoc_Type object is unspecified.

An Assoc_Type object whose elements are of some data-type d may be created using using

    A = Assoc_Type[d];
For example,
    A = Assoc_Type[Int_Type];
will create an associative array of integers. To create an associative array capable of storing an arbitrary type, use the form
    A = Assoc_Type[];

An optional parameter may be used to specify a default value for array elements. For example,

   A = Assoc_Type[Int_Type, -1];
creates an integer-valued associative array with a default element value of -1. Then A["foo"] will return -1 if the key "foo" does not exist in the array. Default values are available only if the type was specified when the associative array was created.

The following functions may be used with associative arrays:

The length function may be used to obtain the number of elements in the array.

The foreach construct may be used with associative arrays via one of the following forms:

      foreach k,v (A) {...}
      foreach k (A) using ("keys") { ... }
      foreach v (A) using ("values") { ... }
      foreach k,v (A) using ("keys", "values") { ... }
In all the above forms, the loop is over all elements of the array such that v=A[k].

See Also

List_Type, List_Type<@@ref>Array_TypeArray_Type, Struct_Type

2.2 File_Type


A type representing a C stdio object


An File_Type is the interpreter's representation of a C stdio FILE object and is usually created using the fopen function, i.e.,

    fp = fopen ("file.dat", "r");
Functions that utilize the File_Type include:
The foreach construct may be used with File_Type objects via one of the following forms:
   foreach line (fp) {...}
   foreach byte (A) using ("char") { ... }   % read bytes
   foreach line (A) using ("line") { ... }   % read lines (default)
   foreach line (A) using ("wsline") { ... } % whitespace stripped from lines

See Also

List_Type, List_Type<@@ref>Array_TypeArray_Type, Struct_Type

2.3 List_Type


A list object


An object of type List_Type represents a list, which is defined as an ordered heterogeneous collection of objects. A list may be created using, e.g.,

    empty_list = {};
    list_with_4_items = {[1:10], "three", 9, {1,2,3}};
Note that the last item of the list in the last example is also a list. A List_Type object may be manipulated by the following functions:
A List_Type object may be indexed using an array syntax with the first item on the list given by an index of 0. The length function may be used to obtain the number of elements in the list.

A copy of the list may be created using the @ operator, e.g., copy = @list.

The foreach statement may be used with a List_Type object to loop over its elements:

    foreach elem (list) {....}

See Also

<@@ref>Array_TypeArray_Type, Assoc_Type, Struct_Type

2.4 String_Type


A string object


An object of type String_Type represents a string of bytes or characters, which in general have different semantics depending upon the UTF-8 mode.

The string obeys byte-semantics when indexed as an array. That is, S[0] will return the first byte of the string S. For character semantics, the nth character in the string may be obtained using substr function.

The foreach statement may be used with a String_Type object S to loop over its bytes:

    foreach b (S) {....}
    foreach b (S) using ("bytes") {....}
To loop over its characters, the following form may be used:
    foreach c (S) using ("chars") {...}
When UTF-8 mode is not in effect, the byte and character forms will produce the same sequence. Otherwise, the string will be decoded to generate the (wide) character sequence. If the string contains an invalid UTF-8 encoded character, successive bytes of the invalid sequence will be returned as negative integers. For example, "a\xAB\x{AB}" specifies a string composed of the character a, a byte 0xAB, and the character 0xAB. In this case,
     foreach c ("a\xAB\x{AB}") {...}
will produce the integer-valued sequence 'a', -0xAB, 0xAB.

See Also

<@@ref>Array_TypeArray_Type, _slang_utf8_ok

2.5 Struct_Type


A structure datatype


A Struct_Type object with fields f1, f2,..., fN may be created using

    s = struct { f1, f2, ..., fN };
The fields may be accessed via the "dot" operator, e.g.,
     s.f1 = 3;
     if (s12.f1 == 4) s.f1++;
By default, all fields will be initialized to NULL.

A structure may also be created using the dereference operator (@):

    s = @Struct_Type ("f1", "f2", ..., "fN");
    s = @Struct_Type ( ["f1", "f2", ..., "fN"] );
Functions for manipulating structure fields include:

The foreach loop may be used to loop over elements of a linked list. Suppose that first structure in the list is called root, and that the child field is used to form the chain. Then one may walk the list using:

     foreach s (root) using ("child")
         % s will take on successive values in the list
The loop will terminate when the last elements child field is NULL. If no ``linking'' field is specified, the field name will default to next.

User-defined data types are similar to the Struct_Type. A type, e.g., Vector_Type may be created using:

    typedef struct { x, y, z } Vector_Type;
Objects of this type may be created via the @ operator, e.g.,
    v = @Vector_Type;
It is recommended that this be used in a function for creating such types, e.g.,
    define vector (x, y, z)
       variable v = @Vector_Type;
       v.x = x;
       v.y = y;
       v.z = z;
       return v;
The action of the binary and unary operators may be defined for such types. Consider the "+" operator. First define a function for adding two Vector_Type objects:
    static define vector_add (v1, v2)
       return vector (v1.x+v2.x, v1.y+v2.y, v1.z, v2.z);
Then use
    __add_binary ("+", Vector_Type, &vector_add, Vector_Type, Vector_Type);
to indicate that the function is to be called whenever the "+" binary operation between two Vector_Type objects takes place, e.g.,
    V1 = vector (1, 2, 3);
    V2 = vector (8, 9, 1);
    V3 = V1 + V2;
will assigned the vector (9, 11, 4) to V3. Similarly, the "*" operator between scalars and vectors may be defined using:
    static define vector_scalar_mul (v, a)
       return vector (a*v.x, a*v.y, a*v.z);
    static define scalar_vector_mul (a, v)
       return vector_scalar_mul (v, a);
    __add_binary ("*", Vector_Type, &scalar_vector_mul, Any_Type, Vector_Type);
    __add_binary ("*", Vector_Type, &vector_scalar_mul, Vector_Type, Any_Type);
Related functions include:

See Also

List_Type, Assoc_Type

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